This, That . . .& More

The Caretaker by Roi Solberg

THE CARETAKER, my first novel was published last week!

Years ago I made a vow that I would not die with regrets. I knew if I didn’t at least attempt to write a novel that it would be the biggest disappointment of my life.

First, I found Judy Bridges’ Shut up & Write Workshop in Milwaukee WI. That’s where the real work began. Judy was instrumental in helping with my first nonfiction book, The Spirit of Archetypes: Cards of Spiritual Guidance.

After that, I began writing fiction, giving voice to the characters that were bouncing around in my head. It was the only way shut them up. I began attending Judy’s Round Table class and writing scenes that became chapters. Very basic and not very good.

A few years went by and I moved to Madison. There I met Laurel Yourke and learned how to improve those scenes under her tutelage.That’s when The Caretaker began to take shape.

First Draft or the first dozen of drafts later ~~
I had a story … of sorts. I submitted it to Christine DeSmet’s Master Novel  Writing workshop at Madison’s Write by the Lake.  But never got to the ending.

Next dozen drafts ~~
I realized that while The Caretaker was a mystery about a murder, I had no police or a detective. Oops. . .

Back to the drawing board and more drafts ~~
I spent a lot of time trying to work the story with only two POVs—Sam and Lauren’s. And it wasn’t working for me. Finally, I decided that if I were going to spend this much time and effort on the novel it would be told the way I wanted in multiple POVs.

That decision meant that I rewrote the book—about a dozen times and after that began the endless editing and sending out to agents.

This year I decided to self-publish. And so, I did.
I’m pleased with the result and trust you will be as well.

THE CARETAKER is available on
Print and Kindle.